Home > Sugar Free Cakes > Beautiful Birthday Cakes Baked Without Sugar

Beautiful Birthday Cakes Baked Without Sugar

By: Mary Williams BA (hons) - Updated: 23 Feb 2016 | comments*Discuss
Sponge Cake Gateaux Sugar Free Cakes

There’s no better time to begin sugar free baking than when it’s somebody’s birthday. Whether you are cooking for a friend or relative who has diabetes or someone keen to reduce their sugar intake for other reasons, they’ll certainly feel like celebrating when they tuck into a slice of their beautiful sugar free birthday cake.

From light sponges to heavy gateaux, and from fruity flavours to rich chocolate tastes, these cakes need not be difficult to bake. In fact, by replacing sugar with other sweetening ingredients, you’ll find sugar free birthday cakes really can be spectacular.

Strawberry Sponge Cake

This is a light birthday cake that is perfect in the summer. Substitute strawberries for raspberries for variety.


  • 250g (9oz) butter or margarine
  • Three tbsp honey
  • Three large eggs
  • 250g (9oz) self-raising flour
  • One punnet of strawberries
  • 250ml whipping cream


Preheat your oven to 180 deg C/ 350 deg F/gas mark four. Melt your butter or margarine and honey in a small pan. Sieve flour into a large bowl. Beat your eggs separately. Stir first the hot liquid then your eggs into your flour. Spoon your mixture into a round greased cake tin and bake for about 25 minutes or until golden and firm.

Leave your cake to cool for a few minutes then remove from the tin. When really cool, slice into two. Wash and hull your strawberries. Whip your cream, then separate into two bowls. With a hand blender whip half your strawberries into one half of the cream, until it turns a lovely rosy pink. Spread on the lower half of your cake. Place the top of the cake back on. Spread the rest of your whipped cream on the top of the sugar free cake. Cut each of your remaining strawberries in half and position on top of the cream to decorate.

Rich Chocolate Cake

This heavy, moist, sugar free cake will impress any friend or relative. Those who like really bitter chocolate can reduce the amount of jam.


  • 120g (4oz) cocoa
  • 120g (4oz) (4oz) ground almonds
  • 120g (4oz) butter
  • One 250g jar of sugar free strawberry jam
  • One 250g jar of sugar free blueberry jam
  • Four large eggs
  • 200g (7oz) self-raising flour


Preheat your oven to 180 deg C/ 350 deg F/gas mark four. Melt your butter and strawberry jam in a small saucepan. Beat your eggs in a small bowl. Sieve your flour and cocoa into a large bowl, stir in your ground almonds. Add your liquid jam and butter. Mix well then add the beaten eggs.

Pour the mixture into a greased cake tin. Bake for about half an hour until an inserted skewer comes out clean. Leave to cool for a few minutes then turn out. When really cool, slice in half. Spread the bottom half with sugar free blueberry jam. Replace the top of the cake. Lightly dust with cocoa powder. Serve with sugar free vanilla ice-cream.

Sugar Free Carrot Cake

A wholesome, hearty example, carrot cake is always impressive. Use cream cheese here as a sugar free topping.


  • 200g (7oz) carrots
  • 300g (10.5oz) plain flour
  • 150g (5oz) butter
  • Two tsp ground allspice
  • Two tsp baking powder
  • Four tbsp honey
  • Four large eggs
  • 200g (7oz) walnuts
  • 250g (9oz) cream cheese


Preheat your oven to 150 deg C/140 deg C/gas mark two. Place your butter and honey into a small saucepan and melt over a low heat until runny. Place your dry ingredients (excluding your walnuts and carrots) into a large bowl. Beat your eggs in a small bowl. Pour your hot liquid into your flour mixture. Mix well then add your eggs. Grate your carrots then add to the mixture. Stir in your walnuts. Pour your cake mixture into a greased tin.

Bake in the centre of the oven until cooked all the way through. Remove from the oven. Leave to cool for a few minutes before turning out. When cool, slice in half. Spread cream cheese between the two layers and on the top of your cake. Decorate with a few more walnuts.

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