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No Sugar Honeycomb Crunch

By: Mary Williams BA (hons) - Updated: 11 Feb 2016 | comments*Discuss
Sugar Free Sweetener Honeycomb Honey

Honeycomb is another great sweet that you can make quickly and easily at home. By using a combination of honey and granulated sweetener, you should be able to achieve the desired consistency.

The froth in honeycomb is achieved with bicarbonate of soda. Once you have added this and your mixture has bubbled or foamed up, it is important to act quickly and pour the mixture into your tin. If you allow it to settle back down again, your sweet will not have quite the same consistency.Try making this plain version first and then perhaps attempt the second recipe, which has a topping and is more of a deluxe honeycomb.

Sugar Free Honeycomb

This basic recipe for honeycomb has a wonderful texture. A good honeycomb should be crunchy to bite into then chewy when eaten. Where toffee can sometimes be a bit tough to bite into, honeycomb tends to break a little more easily.


  • Five tbsp granulated sweetener (check manufacturer’s instructions)
  • Two tbsp honey
  • One tsp bicarbonate of soda


Take a large saucepan. In it, heat your granulated sweetener and honey, keep stirring gently until completely dissolved. Bring to the boil and leave bubbling gently for five minutes. Measure out your bicarbonate of soda and stir it in - watch the liquid fizz right up and gain its foamy texture. Quickly taken the hot fluffy mixture and pour it into a greased fudge tin. Spread it our evenly and leave the liquid to cool. Once it has lost its heat, place the honeycomb in the fridge and leave to harden. Before the sweet sets completely, mark it out into squares or fingers to make it easier to break when set.

Chocolate Honeycomb Crisp

This is a very similar recipe for sugar free honeycomb. The sweet itself is a little richer and it is given a few extra bells and ribbons through its topping. Instead of using honeycomb “crumbs” or “chips” to sprinkle on to the melted chocolate, you could use chopped nuts or grated diabetic chocolate.


  • 30g (1oz) butter
  • Five tbsp granulated sweetener (check manufacturer’s instructions)
  • Two tbsp honey
  • One tsp vanilla essence
  • One tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 75g (3oz) dark diabetic chocolate


Melt your butter, sweetener and honey in a large saucepan. Add your vanilla essence. Bring to the boil and leave bubbling for five minutes. Then stir in your bicarbonate of soda - and watch it fizz right up. Quickly taken your bubbly mixture and pour into a greased fudge tin. Leave the liquid to cool.

Once cool, place in the fridge and leave to harden. As soon as the liquid has set, cut off your corners or an end of your honeycomb. Crush it into small pieces or “honey comb crumbs.” Melt your diabetic chocolate in the microwave or in a small heat proof dish over hot water. Spread it on top of your honeycomb. Then sprinkle your crumbs on top of the melted chocolate. Replace in the fridge to allow your topping to set.

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