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Fruit Tarts With No Added Sugar

By: Mary Williams BA (hons) - Updated: 19 Dec 2012 | comments*Discuss
Sugar Free Tart Pastry Jam Sugar Recipe

Try making a fruity sugar free tart. There are all sorts of ways of making these - some easy and others more complicated.Some recipes call for honey as a sugar replacement while others require sugar free jam or natural sugar to carry the sweetness.Here we have decided to feature a recipe for tangy sugar free lemon tart. This is simply delicious with ice-cream or sorbet, and as such makes a great summer dessert.

We have also included a recipe for banana tart, which is particularly good when served hot and would go well with a sugar free custard.

Zesty Sugar Free Lemon Tart

We are suggesting you make this lemon tart with a savoury pastry as the filling will carry the sweetness. Those who wish to make it sweeter, however, could add a little granulated sweetener (check manufacturers’ instructions) to the pastry mixture.


For The Pastry:

  • 400g (14oz) plain flour
  • 200g (7oz) soft margarine
  • One tbsp cold water

For The Lemon Filling:

  • Five large eggs
  • Three tbsp honey
  • 250ml double cream
  • Five lemons
  • 500g cream cheese


Preheat your oven to 200 deg C/400 deg F/gas mark six. Place your soft margarine in a medium bowl and gently fork in one tbs plain flour and one tbs cold water. Mix with your fork until you have a paste. Slowly add the rest of your flour until you have a pastry-like dough. Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge to chill for about an hour.

Then squeeze your lemons and grate the zest, and set aside. Melt your honey in a pan over a low heat. Remove from the heat, allow to cool for a moment or two then stir in your lemon juice and zest. Break your eggs into a large bowl and beat. Add the cream then stir in your lemon and honey liquid.

Grease an 18ins tart tin. Take your pastry from the fridge and roll out on a surface that has been lightly dusted with flour. Line you tin and trim off the excess pastry. Pop into the centre of the oven and bake blind for 10 minutes or so, until the pastry begins to turn golden brown.

Remove from the oven and pour in your tart filling. Bake for about one hour until the centre has risen a little and is firm. Make sure your pastry does not brown too much. Remove from the oven once more and allow to cool. Tip your cream cheese into a bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Once your tart is cold, spread the cheese on top. Serve with sugar free ice-cream.

Sugar Free Banana Tart

This recipe works best with nice, ripe bananas. The sweetness of the fruit together with a little sugar free apricot jam makes it easy to make without sugar.


For The Pastry:

  • 400g (14oz) plain flour
  • 200g (7oz) soft margarine
  • One tbsp cold water

For The Filling:

  • Three large ripe bananas
  • One tbsp sugar free apricot jam
  • One tsp vanilla essence
  • Two eggs
  • 150ml double cream
  • Two tbsp chopped nuts
  • A few flaked almonds


Once again preheat your oven to 200 deg C/400 deg F/gas mark six. Then, as above, place your soft margarine in a medium bowl and gently fork in one tbsp plain flour and one tbsp cold water. Mix with your fork until you have a paste. Slowly add the rest of your flour until you have a pastry-like dough. Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge to chill for about an hour.

Once ready, take your firm pastry from the fridge and roll out on a surface that has been lightly dusted with flour. Grease an 18ins tart tin and line with your pastry. Bake blind for about 10 minutes, or until the pastry starts to go a golden brown colour.

In a large bowl, beat your eggs. Add the cream and vanilla essence. Pour the liquid into the pastry case. Then peel and slice your bananas, and place the rounds on top of the liquid (don’t worry if they sink a little). Spread or place tiny dollops of your sugar free jam on to the fruit. Sprinkle on your chopped nuts. Bake in the oven for about 50 minutes or until your tart filling is solid. Remove from the heat and serve with hot, sugar free custard.

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